Monday, April 23, 2012

I Want To Live At The Terminal! Maybe I guess... :)

Hi guys! Morning for us and night I guess to all of you out there!

So I finished watching The Terminal last night and it was awesome! I mean really?! Mr. Hanks was like he was from somewhere place! The accent was superb!

Sorry if I praise too much but that's just me, can't help it... xD

Oh and sorry if I just posted right now since I'm still fighting my thoughts on finding my Algebra book somewhere at the garage... Lazy me. Haha...

Had to put this here! Just love their chemistry works a charm! Though not happy on why it didn't work out for them both in the movie... Whoops! Might spill the bean!

Anyway, must find that Algebra book of mine later... Still lazy right now. Thanks again Mr. Hanks for the movie! :)


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