Saturday, April 28, 2012

4th Score Review (Forrest Gump)

Hi I'm back again after hours I guess? xD

Anyway, my fourth review on the scores in Forrest Gump. I want to say also that I finally finished reading Gump & Company (book)! Sometime around I'll make my own script on it though I might search a little on some issues.

Now on to the review, this particular score comes a meaning to me. I mean, I know how it feels to not use something, like for instance, Forrest couldn't walk entirely since there something wrong with his legs.

But what really put a mark on it, is that one day when he's been chased by other children and being bullied again, a miracle happens. He walks first trying to get away from the bullies, then the bullies were gaining, and all of a sudden, the braces on Forrest's legs come off and he ran as fast as he could. As Forrest says, "Now other people tell that miracles don't happen. But they do."

For me, no matter happens, just believe in yourself and nothing is impossible.


PS. Mr. Hanks, if you're reading this or looking, hope to tell you that everyday your movies inspire me. It's what I need the most when I'm studying right now.

To all you guys whoever looks/reads here, thank you so much too! :)

And to my Shopgirl, I'm confused on what I'm feeling for you right now, and I don't know if we will work out, but anyway, I hope you're always fine and happy.

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