Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Think I'm Joe Fox (You've Got Mail)

Hi guys! So it randomly showed up in my mind and I was wondering, I think I'm Joe Fox from the movie You've Got Mail.

IBM ThinkPad 300

This was Tom Hanks (NY152) was using to mail back Kathleen Kelly (Shopgirl).

Anyway, what I want to talk about is, I'm really becoming Tom Hanks character, literally. Well, it kinda started on another sited with players on it and I met this girl there. We had a really great conversation and I requested to be friends with her and she accepted.

Eventually, we were talking anything above the sun, then I kinda friend requested her at Facebook. And recently, I've been studying again for a huge exam and she always keeps me inspired or whatever you call it you want.

I'll be honest with you that we've only just seen each other through pictures. And she's somewhere across the world (I think from the USA?). And I'm confused on what I'm feeling entirely right now.

Is it possible for two persons which has different nationality and different country work out? To have a long distance relationship? Wow, did I say relationship? I haven't even had a girlfriend before way back in high school.

Anyway, right now, I'm just waiting for her post or message or mail.


PS. Can't see my post where I misspelled something... It's supposed to be Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Haven't seen it yet but I'll definitely get it at the weekend. :)

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