Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3rd Score Song Review (Forrest Gump)

Good evening everyone! Or good afternoon or morning wherever you might be dear reader! :)

Now I'm up to the 3rd score on the movie, Forrest Gump, thankfully. But since my parents are driving me nuts on studying, I'll be sneaking always at front of the computer screen just to post here.

Are you stupid or something?               

Mama says,

"Stupid is as stupid does."               

- I'm Jenny.

- I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.

Anyway, the score plays in the scene where Forrest when he was little, rides the school bus for the first time and it seems that the other children doesn't want to be beside him or doesn't want him. Poor Forrest trying to fit with the others but at the turn of events, a young fine girl offers him a seat. This is the first time that Forrest meets his love of his entire life, Jenny Curran. She was one of the persons who accepted Forrest as he was and never looked at him like someone being abnormal or practically speaking, an "idiot".

I highly suggest that you watch the scene carefully since it gives a slight cheesy-ness on first love and acceptance of other people or innocence they say.

I'll give this score 7/10! :)

I say, I'm watching again You've Got Mail tonight since I've skipped some parts and didn't get to feel all the emotions at the instant. I'm thinking of getting Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close movie and watch it in the weekend.

Lastly, cool videos Mr. Hanks! Just want to let you know that you inspire other people by your movies and I'm one of them.

I won't stop believing on my dreams and I'll ride the wind wherever it takes me.


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