Sunday, April 22, 2012

Going Busy Mode

So hi there again guys! I'll be going to busy mode since my review will be starting soon enough. But I'll try to sneak and post here at my blog when my parents are not around. Haha...

Since I joined twitter, I have already 64 tweets already and I'm still as excited and anxiously waiting for Mr. Hanks to tweet back in all of us. Well seriously, I'll skip a heartbeat when that happens.

He said he's been busy so I'll just wait... In the meantime, I saw the release date of Cloud Atlas is somewhere October 2012 and that would be really great since when my board exam finishes, it will be a great gift for me after all the reviewing stuffs! Anyway, Mr. Hanks, from now on, I'll be watching your movies everytime...


PS. Gotta keep my reviews on hose scores on Forrest Gump! I can do this! :D

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