Saturday, April 28, 2012

4th Score Review (Forrest Gump)

Hi I'm back again after hours I guess? xD

Anyway, my fourth review on the scores in Forrest Gump. I want to say also that I finally finished reading Gump & Company (book)! Sometime around I'll make my own script on it though I might search a little on some issues.

Now on to the review, this particular score comes a meaning to me. I mean, I know how it feels to not use something, like for instance, Forrest couldn't walk entirely since there something wrong with his legs.

But what really put a mark on it, is that one day when he's been chased by other children and being bullied again, a miracle happens. He walks first trying to get away from the bullies, then the bullies were gaining, and all of a sudden, the braces on Forrest's legs come off and he ran as fast as he could. As Forrest says, "Now other people tell that miracles don't happen. But they do."

For me, no matter happens, just believe in yourself and nothing is impossible.


PS. Mr. Hanks, if you're reading this or looking, hope to tell you that everyday your movies inspire me. It's what I need the most when I'm studying right now.

To all you guys whoever looks/reads here, thank you so much too! :)

And to my Shopgirl, I'm confused on what I'm feeling for you right now, and I don't know if we will work out, but anyway, I hope you're always fine and happy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Think I'm Joe Fox (You've Got Mail)

Hi guys! So it randomly showed up in my mind and I was wondering, I think I'm Joe Fox from the movie You've Got Mail.

IBM ThinkPad 300

This was Tom Hanks (NY152) was using to mail back Kathleen Kelly (Shopgirl).

Anyway, what I want to talk about is, I'm really becoming Tom Hanks character, literally. Well, it kinda started on another sited with players on it and I met this girl there. We had a really great conversation and I requested to be friends with her and she accepted.

Eventually, we were talking anything above the sun, then I kinda friend requested her at Facebook. And recently, I've been studying again for a huge exam and she always keeps me inspired or whatever you call it you want.

I'll be honest with you that we've only just seen each other through pictures. And she's somewhere across the world (I think from the USA?). And I'm confused on what I'm feeling entirely right now.

Is it possible for two persons which has different nationality and different country work out? To have a long distance relationship? Wow, did I say relationship? I haven't even had a girlfriend before way back in high school.

Anyway, right now, I'm just waiting for her post or message or mail.


PS. Can't see my post where I misspelled something... It's supposed to be Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Haven't seen it yet but I'll definitely get it at the weekend. :)

3rd Score Song Review (Forrest Gump)

Good evening everyone! Or good afternoon or morning wherever you might be dear reader! :)

Now I'm up to the 3rd score on the movie, Forrest Gump, thankfully. But since my parents are driving me nuts on studying, I'll be sneaking always at front of the computer screen just to post here.

Are you stupid or something?               

Mama says,

"Stupid is as stupid does."               

- I'm Jenny.

- I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.

Anyway, the score plays in the scene where Forrest when he was little, rides the school bus for the first time and it seems that the other children doesn't want to be beside him or doesn't want him. Poor Forrest trying to fit with the others but at the turn of events, a young fine girl offers him a seat. This is the first time that Forrest meets his love of his entire life, Jenny Curran. She was one of the persons who accepted Forrest as he was and never looked at him like someone being abnormal or practically speaking, an "idiot".

I highly suggest that you watch the scene carefully since it gives a slight cheesy-ness on first love and acceptance of other people or innocence they say.

I'll give this score 7/10! :)

I say, I'm watching again You've Got Mail tonight since I've skipped some parts and didn't get to feel all the emotions at the instant. I'm thinking of getting Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close movie and watch it in the weekend.

Lastly, cool videos Mr. Hanks! Just want to let you know that you inspire other people by your movies and I'm one of them.

I won't stop believing on my dreams and I'll ride the wind wherever it takes me.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm not scared, I care for you...

"I will go home."

Viktor Navorski was blackmailed by Customs and Border Protection Head Frank Dixon that if he doesn't board the plane back to Krakozhia, he will be deporting his friend, Kumar Pallana (played by Rajan Gupta), back to India and be arrested for stabbing a man.

This is a sign of how someones really cares for a friend.


PS. I'll be updating this post tomorrow when I go home after review... Goodnight and morning guys! :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

I Want To Live At The Terminal! Maybe I guess... :)

Hi guys! Morning for us and night I guess to all of you out there!

So I finished watching The Terminal last night and it was awesome! I mean really?! Mr. Hanks was like he was from somewhere place! The accent was superb!

Sorry if I praise too much but that's just me, can't help it... xD

Oh and sorry if I just posted right now since I'm still fighting my thoughts on finding my Algebra book somewhere at the garage... Lazy me. Haha...

Had to put this here! Just love their chemistry works a charm! Though not happy on why it didn't work out for them both in the movie... Whoops! Might spill the bean!

Anyway, must find that Algebra book of mine later... Still lazy right now. Thanks again Mr. Hanks for the movie! :)


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Watching The Terminal Tonight! Awwwwww yeaaaahhh!

Going to eat some ice cream then going to watch The Terminal finally tonight! :D


Going Busy Mode

So hi there again guys! I'll be going to busy mode since my review will be starting soon enough. But I'll try to sneak and post here at my blog when my parents are not around. Haha...

Since I joined twitter, I have already 64 tweets already and I'm still as excited and anxiously waiting for Mr. Hanks to tweet back in all of us. Well seriously, I'll skip a heartbeat when that happens.

He said he's been busy so I'll just wait... In the meantime, I saw the release date of Cloud Atlas is somewhere October 2012 and that would be really great since when my board exam finishes, it will be a great gift for me after all the reviewing stuffs! Anyway, Mr. Hanks, from now on, I'll be watching your movies everytime...


PS. Gotta keep my reviews on hose scores on Forrest Gump! I can do this! :D

You're No Different Score Review

At last back again in reviewing scores at the movie, Forrest Gump! Feeling splendid right now since I had a nice nap and my brain seems up to go and post a little.

I love this score from the scene where Sally Field tells young Forrest that he's no different from the others. We shouldn't be making others feel different around us, I know how that feels cause I've been there. Being not noticed by someone or being pushed around or worst being bullied way back then.


We are all created the same by God and we should be thankful about it.


PS. Things are going well and I need to mindset my brain to study for my board exam but it seems I still don't want to study and just watch first all of Mr. Hanks movies. That's where I get my inspiration from. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

After watching Saving Private Ryan last night

Finally finished watching it last night, and as usual, I cried my sorry ass off again. I don't know what to say and I'm definitely disturbed on what was happening way back then on WWII.

I've seen on other blogs that in order to love or like a movie is to see the flaws. But what can I really say bad about it? I mean the story speaks it all, men died at that time and they were all just wishing to come back home and be with their families.

Anyway, I might start crying again whenever I remember some of the scenes of Tom Hanks on his movies. But I say bravo and he left me again vulnerable and thinking about 'what we really deserve' in our lives.


PS. Still not finished yet on the 3rd part of The Green Mile but I'll be doing it again when I feel slightly happy on my mood again. Plus I will be reading the book, Cloud Atlas, since it will be the next movie of Mr. Hanks this year.

Friday, April 20, 2012

We're Gonna Walk Our Green Mile Someday - PART 2

Apologies for you guys out there! I've been busy with my requirements at school since I'm getting ready on my graduation in May (well, I'm really assuming I will and whatnot). Awful tired tonight since I got all my things at another house and will not be staying there any longer.

Anyway, to start my post, I'm beginning with a cute, little mouse above. This is still from the movie, The Green Mile, which made an impact to me.

What's the name of that mouse? Well say hello to Mr. Jingles! Quite a name I say! Mr. Jingles appears at a scene where Brutus sees him scurrying around and maybe searching for food and isn't afraid of them standing around. This fella has a role of his own in the movie and might as well not spoil it for all of you guys.

Next is Brutus "Brutal" Howell (played by David Morse), which is a good friend of Paul Edgecomb(I think if I'm not mistaken) and has some funny moments with Paul regarding on Percy's behavior and sometimes sticky situations with him.

Next is Dean Stanton (played by Barry Pepper) which is the only one young guard in the E Block. I say he had a strong scene where he was crying and was trying to hold back his tears on John Coffey's execution. Great job really there and I commend him for that.


Next one is "Wild Bill" Wharton (played by Sam Rockwell) which is the root of all evil and was the sole suspect. Some things I can say about him is his evil, crazy, delusional and one-sick character. But his really good and he gets on my nerves.

I'll make a last part on this post of mine since I'm really tired from the school works and my arms are aching. Anyway till then... Morning for others and night for me! :)


PS. I'm thinking on how on earth there are many views in Russia but anyways, thanks again guys if you're viewing always my blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cool pic right here! :D

Frank Darabont, Stephen King, and Tom Hanks on the set of The Green Mile!

This is so awesome! For the win! 


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We're Gonna Walk Our Green Mile Someday

As usual, I've been watching Tom Hanks' movies every night and just watched the movie, The Green Mile. Man, I can't stop myself crying at this movies. The drama on the last part always gets me.

Tom Hanks plays as Paul Edgecomb, in which he works in a cell block called the "Green Mile" by the guards because the condemned prisoners walking to their execution are said to be walking "the last mile" to the electric chair (Old Sparky they call). It is said 'The Green Mile' like that because of faded lime-green linoleum.

For some reasons, he has the worst urinary tract infection of his life and also when John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan) which was accused of raping and killing two girls. When it turns, he displays as a gentle giant for the men at the cell block.


Percy Wetmore (played by Doug Hutchison) who is a sadistic and unpopular guard and makes a living hell out of the prisoners. At one scene, Percy then deliberately sabotages the execution of Eduard "Del" Delacroix's (played by Michael Jeter). Instead of wetting the sponge, used to conduct electricity and make executions quick and effective, he leaves it dry, causing inmate execution to malfunction badly.

The story revolves a lot between the characters but I'll also show them to you guys since the supporting cast is also awesome and  Hanks did a really great job on not overpowering them.

To be continued...


PS. I'm still going to post my opinions on the scores in Forrest Gump. New found love at the scores in The Green Mile.

Feather Scene Score

Finally I've found some scores on the movie, Forrest Gump, in youtube! So I'll start with the first scene where the feather flies away with the wind.

When I exactly hear this score, I feel contented or some what happy or relieved. One thing I may say, Alan Silvestri, you're truly a genius!

Any comments and suggestions would be loved a lot since no one really does since I started to blog... Anyway, thanks for viewing guys! Must be when I posted the link at twitter... Hope I have fellow followers now...


PS. Forgot to say also, I'll be posting all the scores with my own opinion about it every time I go online in my blog everyday. Let's do this.

Saving Private Ryan Moment

This deserves to be posted in my blog. Pictures says it all. No words, just pure emotions.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Put that movie on!

Hi there guys! So I feel good this morning for no particular reason (maybe I had  nice sleep last night plus watched a movie again) and want to share about this one.

I highly suggest that you guys watch the movie, Larry Crowne, cause it has that light comedy side that anyone could love. I don't know why there are critics everywhere to tell how bad it was, but to personally think, that's all they can do but say bad reviews about something when they themselves can't even tell to their own how dumb they are.

I mean seriously? Who cares if it was shown with this movie yada yada yada... Everyone has his criticism but you just have to think before saying something not nice.

Anyway, this movie was shown last year and I've been recently watching almost Tom Hanks' movies night after night and still not finished yet on the others.

If you want to feel happy or laugh or just bored and want to watch a movie or two, I'd say this is worth a shot.


Just got home

So I just got home tonight from school and my arms will probably hurt tomorrow morning... So I'm going to watch tonight 'The Green Mile' or maybe Larry Crowne again. Night guys!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saving Private Derrick

Before I go to sleep now, I'm going to watch 'Saving Private Ryan'. I know I won't get disappointed. Night peeps. I'll listen to some music later then probably cry myself out.


Let me sleep in deep slumber

Still waiting for my mom and dad to come home at this time, and I still bad about myself. I need to get this out of my system since anyway I'll be lying on my bed crying till I go to sleep without me noticing.

Dreams let me fall asleep in deep slumber so I couldn't feel this pain I'm feeling.


I will cry it all again this night

Forrest Gump: You died on a Saturday morning. And I had you placed here under our tree. And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dyin' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. Little Forrest, he's doing just fine. About to start school again soon. I make his breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. I make sure he combs his hair and brushes his teeth every day. Teaching him how to play ping-pong. He's really good. We fish a lot. And every night, we read a book. He's so smart, Jenny. You'd be so proud of him. I am. He, uh, wrote a letter, and he says I can't read it. I'm not supposed to, so I'll just leave it here for you. Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away.

One of the scenes that I never get tired to watch. It just makes me vulnerable and weak I couldn't stand but cry.

Here I am again, alone at our house, with my younger brother going back to his training. He doesn't know when hill come home again. And yet again, I'm all alone to hide my feelings. This is just one of those days again that I suddenly ponder and feel sad all over.

I hear the song on what you're probably thinking now... Looping again and again to soothe my emotions overflowing on sadness...

I'm feeling depressed right now. My chest feels really tight that I can't breathe. And I know what to do, when I feel like crying. I just have to let my tears fall this night. For I will not feel happy afterwards if I don't feel crying again.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yoo got me Lance Crowne!

So I finished watching the movie, Larry Crowne, last night.

It's about a story of a middle-aged Navy veteran is fired from his job at a big-box store which in turn of events gets to college for the first time and gets interesting when he meets such characters.

I definitely recommend to you guys to watch this film when you're in a date or with just the family. I just love the scene where Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts kissed what with Tom doing some happy dance outside the door.

This movie is a must-see if you can.


Make me laugh just right now

So before I go to sleep, I'll watch Larry Crowne by Tom Hanks. Need to get off this sad day of mine and random emotions I've been brewing this couple of days. Signing out.


Excited is as excited does

So I just recently joined twitter and I'm so excited I followed Tom Hanks and Gary Sinise. I do hope they tweet back in a couple of days...

Any encounters with them? I would love to hear it from you guys... :)


Friday, April 13, 2012

Me and my younger brother sometimes

Lt. Dan Taylor: Where are you boys from in the world.
Forrest Gump, Bubba Blue: Alabama, sir!
Lt. Dan Taylor: You twins?
[Forrest and Bubba look at each other]
Forrest Gump: No, we are not relations, sir.
I find these scene really funny. It really captures what my younger brother and I always say at the same time...And we're actually in relations... That's why I love it when he's around. We think alike and such.

The rain makes me remember

Rain represents different kind of things in our life... In my opinion, rain symbolizes grief... I feel like the sky is crying and is washing away ours or just plain hiding our tears from it... I feel again the same again today for no particular reason... I felt a pang in my heart that I lost someone I really cherished. So for anyone out there, let the rain fall on you...

It also represents the different kind of struggles may it be in any other directions it does to us...


Not holding back my tears

One of the most heart-breaking scenes at Forrest Gump. I miss my grandma and brother because of this, and I'm going to cry if I think about it.

Forrest: What's my destiny, Mama?
Mama: You have to find it for yourself, Forrest.


I feel like running away forever

As this day ends, I thought that my younger brother will come home tomorrow from his training but I was disappointed to know that he was not sure. He was one of the things that would cheer up my day since we could talk anything about what we want to talk about.

There's just too much going in my life and makes me dizzy. I need someone to talk to with my mental problems and he's the only one who could feel and understand. Anyway, maybe running tomorrow morning will help. But I sure do hope that I can run away as far as I can and worry no more on my problems.


Thank you life for being surprising always

Life is sure surprising. Thank you guys for reading my blog! Even though I'm like talking to my screen, at least I know someone out there listens. Though I want to know what chocolate is that in the picture? :)

I'm a little emotional sometimes but I do feel happy afterwards when I share my thoughts for the day...


Thursday, April 12, 2012

To wait for you, Jenny

In the movie, Forrest all the time think about his childhood friend/sweetheart, Jenny, even though she was away all the time. Forrest showed what a gentleman would do, waiting for his true love and waited for her as time passes.

I could relate since I'm just one of those guys waiting for my Jenny to come into my life. To be pure and loyal to her and to not let anyone hurt her. I'll wait for you, my Jenny.


Dear God, make me a bird so I could fly far, far away from here.

Good morning here at us and good afternoon/evening to everyone out there who ever reads my blog. Just awhile ago, I was scolded again by my dad for my childish actions. He does this every time at home. I don't even know if he really cares about me, like I'm just a slave or robot just to be punched around.

I'm tired of being pushed around of something I'm not. So in whatever reason, I'm like Jenny, praying everyday to God to make me a bird so I could go away from the hell I've been going through with my dad. I know it's too much but I can't stand him anymore and as soon as I can support myself, I will go away from here as much as possible.


I guess I agree with Forrest. But sometimes, shoes ain't enough to tell a person. And now to think of it, I feel like running tomorrow. Where the sun is beaming back at me, and I could feel alone but contented. That there's no one to blame me for anything even if I was right.

Good morning to those who are awake and good night for us... Till I dream that I could fly away from home feeling free as a bird.


We're just floating in the breeze

In the making of the feather scene of Forrest Gump, it was explained what was the feather exactly and how people would interpret it.

As I could say, we're just floating in the breeze, just waiting to go somewhere, to just land onto someone else' life... Admit it, if we put ourselves as a feather, it's not beautiful always, like falling into a dirty place or to a place no one ever wants to be.

Life is short and we need to make the most of it. I never know where the wind will take me, but whatever it is, may it be so strong at me, I will never let it shatter me.

If there's anyone out there who reads my blog, then thank you so much for listening. So far less pageviews but I do hope I help someone out there. Don't let anyone make you feel down.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Forrest holding back tears

So I just saw this on 9gag. It's not funny though but I sure do cry on these scene always. Anyone agrees that they feel the same? :'(


I'm not sorry I cried

When I'm sad or feel like the world is mad back at me, I always listen to this song by Alan Silvestri. I never felt vulnerable in a song before. I just let my tears to well up while listening. Maybe because I can relate my life to Forrest Gump. Cause I know how to feel to lose someone you loved. After crying every time I listen, I felt better though memories still flash back at me and make me cry again.
"Mama said, that dying was a part of life... I wish it wasn't..."
 This was one of the dialogues that Tom Hanks said with such conviction and emotion... I cried. That's how exactly I feel when my grandmother and older brother died. I wish I had the time to tell them how much I love them. And I was also too holding my tears to break for I felt a pang in my heart.

Jenny: Forrest, remember the time when we prayed and I asked God to make me a bird?
*pauses for a while*
Forrest: Yes, I do.
Jenny: You think I could fly off this bridge?
*Forrest looking down at Jenny's feet*
Forrest: What do you mean, Jenny?

I felt what Jenny feels sometime. I just want to jump off a bridge and just let God or whatever take me away from here. I feel so much grief that no one thinks even care. That only friends do care about me. Or myself.

But anyways, I hope someone out there feels the same like me. If you feel like crying out, don't be sorry about it. For if you don't feel sad/grief/sorrow, then you won't feel true happiness.

~ Derrick