Sunday, December 23, 2012

I Lay in Bed at Night Feeling Alone in a Raft or Island.

Hi there. It's me again, haven't watch some tom hanks movie still.

Been busy on what to do with my life now. I lay in bed at night feeling alone in a raft or island, slowly drifting away.

While the end credits sound repetitively plays inside my head, I have always think, I must be drowning, and I just needed some help.

Still hanging to my own invisible Wilson.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Life Has Been Bumpy.

Hi there guys. Haven't really posted since October and now I'm back. No good news for me but one thing's for sure, I still have the fighting spirit to do it all over again.

I've been thinking in the past few days to mail Mr. Hanks himself on the address I found online. I saw some feedbacks from other people and I think it would be nice if I tried.

Thank you so much to the person who is following my blog now, I promise I'll keep the new posts coming. :)

Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Aftermath

Hi guys! I'm back!

After two days of grueling exam, finally over! Woohoo!

But I still can't even sleep... -.- Because I'll be browsing the results maybe Wednesday or Thursday .. makes me squeamish... Hope for the best and pray for me!

I wish I could drown myself on funny Hanks movies but my stomach is so jittery all over.


Friday, October 12, 2012

One Week Left.

Hi there guys. It's been really long since I got on-line here. i have only 1 week left before the big exam starts.

I just want to thank Ms. Rita Wilson for re-tweeting me one time, it really means a lot to me. And to Mr. Tom hanks, thank you also, I could have not gone this far without the movies you are into. Made me laugh and cry so hard. I'll remember all of it when I'm on the exam.

Thank you so much. Now I have the guts to overcome all my fears and break out successful at this exam. And I'm hoping to be called, Engr. Nuñez.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Two Weeks Left Only.

Hi guys. Just visited here and come off on studying for a second. Only two weeks left before the big day comes, and so Lord give me strength to conquer all.

I'll go with the values of Mr. Hanks movies with me and for I know I could do it. I'll be waiting to be a true engineer. And someday, I'll meet you Tom Hanks, taking a picture with you and getting an autograph.

Night! :)


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Just Hit One Thousand!

Hi there guys! Good gravy! I'm so happy! I think it's been 3 or 4 months since I started my blog and looks great!

Thank you so much! Even if I don't know if there's someone out there reading my blog, or Mr. Tom Hanks browses it just to check.

I've recently watched the movie 'Bachelor Party' and will be soon posting it. I'm trying to collect even he old movies of Mr. Hanks so I could be a number 1 fan too. In fact, I've been watching too much Forrest Gump that I could memorize what's happening on it eventually.

Gotta dash! I'll record some songs later since I feel gloomy again.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Come On And Whip Up A Splash!

Hi there guys! Been busy studying but then again, my mind gets exhausted also I just got the 1984 movie, Splash.

Yup, I don't mind if it's really old, I just want to watch and feel the story. And I didn't get disappointed! It was great!

They're just a cute couple in here! xD

Tom Hanks plays the role as Allen Bauer in which when he was young and had a trip on Cape Cod, he met a young mermaid on the sea but momentarily had semi-forgotten when he had grown up. On the other hand, Daryl Hannah, plays the role as a mermaid who is in love with Allen (which later she was called Madison).

Things would get complicated with them when Madison doesn't tell her biggest secret yet plus Dr. Walter Kornbluth (played by Eugene Levy) has seen her and wants to prove to everybody that he's not crazy.

It's a fantasy-romantic-comedy film that will sure get to your funny bones! Though the ending left me wanting for more on what happened between the two. But at the end, it's really great. :)

So if you have spare time, I definitely suggest you watch this guys.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Just Excited For The Exam In October.

Hi again. :)

It's been days or weeks now, and I'm glad that my review is going out so well. It's been crazy lately since what Mr. Hanks movies has taught I've been forgetting lately but it's not that much.

I miss watching. There's this segment on the radio one day that asks if anyone out there could recite the whole movie with no hints or clues. I may have called and said Forrest Gump.

I'll be going back after the exam and I'll wait for the showing of Cloud Atlas here which could be probably on December or early 2013.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

And We Finally Grown. Time Has Change.

Hey it's been long since I've posted. Hi there guys. :)

So my little brother is going away for his job and I'm left alone here. It's sad that we finally had grown up and have to find jobs to help our family.

This sucks but it's for the meantime for sure. It's been too long that I've been with him and I'm not sure what I'm afraid of.

Am I afraid of him going away without me or afraid of him going into something wrong and I'll regret it forever?


Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm Drowning On Sadness Again.

People around me start to push me down further again, and I can't help but drown on sadness again.

Might just vent out here. And try to watch some tearjerky T.Hanks movies later cause I need to let this out.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Tired Of Studying. Must. Not Fail.

I keep on failing sometimes and get bashed by my dad almost the time.

It's really great for me to vent out here since I don't think anyone reads my blog. Or someone.

October is near and I'm finally beginning to sink in that I could pass this. I'm always thinking the things that thought to me by the movies. :)


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thank You So Much. For Everything.

Hi there guys, I just want to say to whomever out there, thank you so much for reading or browsing my blog.

I'll be having a big exam on October and it has been a roller coaster in my life since I started becoming Mr. Tom Hanks fan.

Thank you! I'm going to do my best!


Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm Back To Studying Again. With Side Tom Hanks Movies.

Good evening. :)

Studies keeps me off now in front of the computer but I still have some couple Tom Hanks movies still didn't watched, if I get the chance I'll get them soon enough. Yup, I'm a self-confessed T.Hanks fan now. Hehe...



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Everything Is Connected.

So I can't search the video correctly but posted a link to it.

Finally! A trailer for the upcoming movie, Cloud Atlas. Been waiting for like forever, seems really great! I'm going to read the book soon this week.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

That Awkward Moment When...

...You read this:

"Mama always said, that life is a box of chocolates, you'll never what you're gonna get."

In a deep southern accent or in Tom Hanks' voice. Hahaha...

It always gets me everytime. It's hard to read the books without imagining him now talking through it with his voice.

Anyway, good morning everyone! Afternoon and evening everywhere else! :)


Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Wish Sometimes.

Good morning here, and afternoon/evening everywhere else.

Just a random thought that came up in my mind. I just wish sometimes, celebrities reply to their fans online. I do understand for security reasons and stuff, but what if, we're just people who truly look up to them?

I just wish sometimes, they talk back, even in just text, to us.

Anyway, I'm really glad someone did. I'm still hoping for the others.



Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Love This Town!

And I'm back again! Hopefully I could post more this coming days but studying keeps me off online. Hope you'll understand guys.

So I took a different route for now and grab a movie on the line of Colin Hanks. No please don't tell me to even compare them because I would be looking at him as a different actor. Just himself that is.

So the movie starts when Troy Gable (played by Colin Hanks) defies his father (surprisingly enough, Tom Hanks got the role) and quits law school to pursue his dream of being a writer. But nonetheless, he needs to get a job to pay his bills and stuff and takes on the role of a 'road manager'. And guess what? It's the mentalist, "The Great" Buck Howard, which it turns out to be mad sometimes and being a 'perfectionist' in every way.

Troy would have a love interest here and I'm sure you'll feel cheesy about it. But I could say it did work. There's some chemistry going on so thumbs up to that.

It's a good-feel movie and just the right element of everything. And it's really great to see where every character goes as it progresses.

Definitely grab a copy!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rap Battle With Tom Hanks!

Way to kick-start my morning! Let's do a rap battle with Tom Hanks! Good morning everyone! Or night/afternoon anywhere in the world!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

There's No Crying In Baseball!

So I finally finished watching the movie, A League Of Their Own, starring Tom Hanks and Madonna. I mentioned the two cause they're the only one I really know from the cast. But, each single one of them, made an impact to me.

I'm going to point out the strongest part that got under my skin.

Jimmy Dugan: Evelyn, could you come here for a second? Which team do you play for?
Evelyn Gardner: Well, I'm a Peach.
Jimmy Dugan: Well I was just wonderin' why you would throw home when we got a two-run lead. You let the tying run get on second base and we lost the lead because of you. Start using your head. That's the lump that's three feet above your ass.
[Evelyn starts to cry]
Jimmy Dugan: Are you crying? Are you crying? ARE YOU CRYING? There's no crying! THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!
Doris Murphy: Why don't you give her a break, Jimmy...
Jimmy Dugan: Oh, you zip it, Doris! Rogers Hornsby was my manager, and he called me a talking pile of pigshit. And that was when my parents drove all the way down from Michigan to see me play the game. And did I cry?
Evelyn Gardner: No, no, no.
Jimmy Dugan: Yeah! NO. And do you know why?
Evelyn Gardner: No...
Jimmy Dugan: Because there's no crying in baseball. THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! No crying!

I find this scene really funny, Tom Hanks nailed being mean and angry and funny, it just hilarious to see how he got angry and telling not to cry in baseball.

Umpire: Perhaps you chastised her too vehemently. Good rule of thumb: treat each of these girls as you would treat your mother.
Jimmy Dugan: Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a penis with that little hat on?

After he told that above, he was approached by Umpire about his actions, and what do you know? This comes up and had me cracking up again. Haha...

Jimmy Dugan: [referring to Stilwell Angel] Keep that kid away from me for just one game!

Jimmy Dugan: We're gonna win. WE'RE GONNA WIN!
Stilwell Gardner: You're gonna lose. You're gonna lose. You stink.
Jimmy Dugan: [after hitting Stilwell in the face with a thrown glove, shouts] Ha! Got him! 

Ah yes Stilwell, the "angel" looking kid, turns out to be one of the most annoying kids on screen. He really added up the fun part of the movie, but wait till you see the ending for a big surprise.

Most of all, all I can say, I hate it when Tom Hanks gets me on the final part always, that he... well... won't spoil it to you guys. But it always makes me cry, and I just can't help it. You know that feeling? When things get better? Sometimes life is just so unpredictable.

If you want to laugh and feel kind blue at the same time, hit up and watch this movie.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Doing Something I've Never Done Before.

Dropped by again here today.

I'm mad at myself because how could I forget that it's Tom Hanks birthday today or tomorrow(different time zone)!

I'm doing something I've never done before. *crosses fingers*

Still thinking about some ideas on what to do.

Signing out! Thanks for reading/viewing my blog guys! :)


Saturday, July 7, 2012

First Time I'll Watch A Baseball Movie

Good morning guys! Night and afternoon everywhere in the world!

Just dropped by and wanted to post that I have watched the first 45 minutes of the movie 'A League Of Their Own'.

Already had laughed on some scenes, it sure is hilarious, and kinda weird on another way.

Will be finishing it tonight, then I'll get 'The Great Buck Howard'.


Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm Sleepless in Seattle. Sort of.

Above image from IMDB

Good evening! Good morning and afternoon around parts of the world!

Currently raining here so I have the means of posting my review at my blog. Just want to sleep in my bed now but let's get this going on!

Today's review is the movie, Sleepless in Seattle, starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. This is the second time I'm watching them as a couple on-screen.

Sam Baldwin (Tom Hanks), a Chicago architect, loses his wife Maggie (Carey Lowell) to cancer. He and his son, Jonah (Ross Malinger), moves to Seattle but unfortunately, Sam is still grieving on the lose of his wife.

Jonah in the other hand, cares for his father, calls up in a radio talk show to wish to find another person that will Sam would love. Hundreds of women from around the country is touched by his bitter sweet story and mails flowed to him.

One of those listeners was Annie Reed (Meg Ryan) which was already engaged to Walter (Bill Pullman) but feels a space within their relationship that isn't working. When after watching 'An Affair to Remember', Annie has the guts and writes to Sam that they should both see each other on top of the Empire State Building in Valentine's Day.

Things got a little bit funny when Sam begins dating Victoria (Barbara Garrick). But Jonah doesn't like her and is enraged by the actions of his dad. While dropping Victoria off at the airport, Sam sees Annie exiting from her plane though he has no idea who she was.

Annie thought Suzy (Rita Wilson) to be Sam's girlfriend and steps back to say "hello" back at him and flies back to New York to meet Walter in Valentine's Day.

Jonah flies to New York without the permission of Sam, while Sam worried where Jonah did go and only to find out he went to New York by himself to meet Annie.

Annie seeing from the distance the Empire State Building, couldn't stop her feelings, finally confessed to Walter about her chasing Sam and maybe finding love finally. Walter is fine with it and they both seem to be happy.

At the end, the two meet only to find out, they already had seen each other and felt the connection between them. As the movie ends, they hold out each others hands and three of them go down the elevator.

Here are some funny quotes that really made me smile/laugh:

[Jay is helping Sam get back into the dating scene]
Sam Baldwin: What is "tiramisu"?
Jay: You'll find out.
Sam Baldwin: Well, what is it?
Jay: You'll see!
Sam Baldwin: Some woman is gonna want me to do it to her and I'm not gonna know what it is! 

Sam Baldwin: Didn't you see Fatal Attraction?
Jonah Baldwin: You wouldn't let me!
Sam Baldwin: Well I saw it and it scared the shit out of me! It scared the shit out of every man in America!

Sam Baldwin: So, how's my butt? 

Jonah Baldwin: If you get a new wife, I guess you'll get to have sex with her, huh?
Sam Baldwin: I certainly hope so.
Jonah Baldwin: Will she scratch up your back?
Sam Baldwin: [shocked] What?
Jonah Baldwin: In the movies, women are always scratching up the man's back and screaming and stuff when they're having sex.
Sam Baldwin: How do you know all this?
Jonah Baldwin: Jessica's got cable.
Sam Baldwin: Oh.

Quote that made me almost cry:

Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again. Sam, do you think there's someone out there you could love as much as your wife?
Sam Baldwin: Well, Dr. Marcia Fieldstone, that's hard to imagine.
Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: What are you going to do?
Sam Baldwin: Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning... breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out... and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while.
Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: Tell me what was so special about your wife?
Sam Baldwin: Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together... and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known... I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like... magic. 

I could say is that some of the lines of Jonah were too mature. I didn't know they allowed children to have those dialogues before but hey, that made an impact. I myself find it really funny. It was cheesy, fun, teary and felt like Christmas.

And hey! Rita Wilson is here too! And the way they acted? Like they weren't even husband and wife! Haha... I felt they were friends or brother/sister only. Just wow.

Overall, I love the movie. Nothing to hate about it, I don't care if the storyline's generic, it's the actors and actresses that make it really great.


PS: This is a tribute to Nora Ephron, who was the one behind the movies, Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail. This two movies made an impact on me and I do hope that people like me would appreciate more. My prayers go to her family. I'm just a stranger but thanks for those movies! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You've Got A Fast Car.

Long overdue again. I've been busy again studying these past few days. I'll try to post my review on 'Sleepless in Seattle' in the coming days to come.

Special mention to Nora Ephron who passed away today (if I'm not mistaken on the timezone). My prayers go to her family. I would like to thank her for making 'Sleepless in Seattle' and 'You've Got Mail' where it featured one of the most cute loveteams on screen, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, who had a spark on screen. Thank you for making us laugh and feel in love while watching these movies. We will never forget them forever.

Night! Morning! Afternoon! Everywhere around the world. :)


PS: I'll be finally making my cover on the song 'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman. I love the song and I'll take my spin on it. Good vibes today! :)

Here is the link for my cover finally!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Best Birthday Ever! (So Far)

So hi everyone! It's my 21st birthday today and it was a blast! I had a really fun time! Though I didn't see some of my friends and guess they're busy on their work.

Anyway it's understandable cause everyone's busy with everything in their lives. :)

Yes! Holy cow! Rita Wilson herself finally re-tweeted me! I was shaking when I saw this. I mean, really, I can't believe it. I've been doing this for about 3 days in a row and it finally paid off. Thanks Ms. Wilson! I won't forget this day in my life now. June 22, 2012.

Now if only Tom Hanks re-tweets also. A long shot, way longer, on this one I've attempted.

Anyway, it was really awesome and I won't stop reaching my dreams! Won't stop believing on it!

One of those dreams is to meet Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson personally someday. Everyday I know I'm getting closer on achieving it. And I will work my ass off just to make it happen.

Night! Morning! Afternoon!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Burbs? Wait Until You Meet The Klopeks.


And we're up back here at my blog! Today's review would be the movie, The Burbs, which I think is a comedy-horror one and seeing Tom Hanks on it is really, really awkward.

I mean, seriously? But man, he's like a natural comic relief. I didn't go overly laughing but I was almost all the time smiling. :)

 I really find it hilarious to see Tom Hanks'(as Ray Perterson) neighbors here especially Rick Ducommun as Art Weingartner and Bruce Dern as Lt. Mark Rumsfield. They were just hilarious! Doing things just to prove that the Klopek family are doing something evil or plain dark fishy.

The plot is that they're old neighbor mysteriously disappeared and here comes out of nowhere, the Klopek family, and strange things have been going on since they arrived at the neighborhood. 

No one comes out from the house unless it's evening, house looks like a haunted house, and grim sounds coming from the inside of the house burning something or digging at their backyard on a middle of a freaking storm.

The Klopek family (Henry Gibson as Dr. Werner Klopek, Brother Theodore as Uncle Reuben Klopek and Courtney Gains as Hans Klopek) were just plain looking evil when you see them at first, and acts really weird when Hanks and the neighborhood had a chit-chat with them on one night.

Some scenes made me jump out of my bed like the one where Tom Hanks was dreaming, and this horror characters were like hunting him and want him to kill. But that was just one of the fun parts of it. I could say that this kind of films don't work well with Tom Hanks but you might not know, maybe there's someone out there that would really go and mix Hanks and horror into it.

Overall, I was happy to watch it and gives a new perspective on what Tom Hanks could do on horror movies.


PS: I've recorded my cover on 'Philadelphia' but I think I have to re-record again. I'm not satisfied on the output and there was just too much picked up noise at the background.

Anyway, thanks everyone who views/reads/browses my blog! And to my cousin who already know this, I didn't expected someone to find out. Haha...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'd Walk A Thousand Miles.

Good night everyone! Just made my first cover song this day! Exhausted editing just to make my voice clear.

Check it out here!

Thanks everyone!


PS. Sorry if I sound off tuned in some parts but hey, I was just singing my lungs out like in a karaoke. I promise I'll improve eventually. Haha... :)

Sung by and Instrumental by Boyce Avenue featuring Alex Goot. Everyone check them both at Youtube! They're awesome! :D

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day To All Dads Out There!

Happy Father's Day to all of your dads! :) Just wanna say thank you for my dad that even he doesn't show how he loves me, I love him back. He's been there on my ups and down and it helps me a lot to be a better individual.

Enjoy your day! Also to Tom Hanks!


Friday, June 15, 2012

Do the Tom Hanks Tribute!

Just saw one of these on Mr. Hanks fan page on Facebook! Really cool!

Video by Ms. Kelly Kathryn Mitchell! :)



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Wish I Were Big.

So it's long overdue (I know) but its definitely worth it. Here I go on my review on the movie 'Big' starring Tom Hanks on it. And I'll start with one of my favorite scenes:

The space goes...
Down down baby, down down the roller coaster.
Sweet sweet baby, sweet sweet don't let me go.
Shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock,
Shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock

I met a girlfriend- a triscuit,
She said a triscuit-a biscuit,
Ice cream soda pop
Vanilla on the top.

Oooo Shalida, walking down the street,
Ten times a week
I meant it. I said it.
I stole my mama's credit.
I'm cool. I'm hot.
Sock you in the stomach three more times.

I just laughed out my chair just seeing Tom Hanks do this. I don't know, it was funny and odd at the same time since a grown man does it. And trying to convince a kid that he just got 'humongous' because of a wish on a machine.


And one of the most prominent scene in the movie is where MacMillan (played by Robert Loggia), boss of the company 'MacMillan Toy Company'.  The two end up playing duets together on a foot-operated electronic keyboard, performing "Heart and Soul" and "Chopsticks".

I personally think that was a hard scene, to see that they needed both to be in sync. And I think it was awesome cause it took Hanks character somewhere that could make things interesting.

Susan: I'm not so sure we should do this.
Josh: Do what?
Susan: Well, I like you, and I want to spend the night with you.
Josh: Do you mean sleep over?
Susan: Well, yeah.
Josh: OK... but I get to be on top. 

One of the best scenes also on the movie, I just couldn't help but laughed on how innocent was Tom Hanks here. You could just see it in his face. (Is it me or did I just see the possibility of him being Forrest Gump here?)

 Overall, I love the movie because the reason is it's fresh for me since every other movie of Tom Hanks seems to be drama or something. Well kinda, this movie has one on the last part but won't spoil it though. It's a feel good movie and I highly suggest it that you/friends/ relatives and even kids watch it! After all, we were a kid once and wished we were 'Big' already.


PS: Just watched 'The Burbs' and 'Sleepless in Seattle' so watch out for my reviews on both movies. :) Thanks Tom Hanks!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Birthday Is Near!

Hi there guys! Back again slightly... Haven't posted yet my review on the movie 'Big' yet but I'll try too.

I've been thinking these days and I've made my decision, I'm making my own covers on songs that somehow relate to Tom Hanks movies. This would be a blast!

Also, I'm going to try to get a happy birthday re-tweet on Mr. Hanks and Ms. Wilson. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Encourage Everyone To Watch Big!

Yes, watch the movie, Big, starring Tom Hanks. I will try to post my review on it later or some other day if I forget again.

And yes, opinions or your feeling about Mr. Hanks movies are welcome at the comment box. Thanks guys for reading  my blog! God Bless! :D

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Place I Call Home.

It's early morning here and just randomly popped out of my mind. Just remembered the last scene in Philadelphia. And the song there was just so emotional.

I cried hard not only that Andrew Beckett died, but also I remembered my brother that died not so long time ago.

Anyway, it's good to let my tears flowing again, it's just has to.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Streets of Philadelphia.

Good evening here at the Philippines and good morning/afternoon everywhere around the world! :)

I'm going to post my review now on the movie, Philadelphia. To give you a brief history on how I stumbled upon this movie, is technically I was just curious on how Mr. Hanks career boomed and started to be recognized by people on his roles.

I've been searching on other people's comments/suggestions/opinion on his films, and yes I was intrigued on why many people gave this particular one a big, round of applause. Not to mention Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington and Antonio Banderas was in it.

It was released on the year 1993 wherein I was just only 2 years old. After 19 years, I finally get to get Mr. Hanks movies and experience all the emotions that he showed to others.

I had no idea what the film was all about except it talks about homosexuality and AIDS that days and there was a lot of discrimination. There was no one to come up with the courage to talk about that area, until, Ron Nyswaner made a script about this and was directed by Jonathan Demme.

From Wikipedia:

Tom Hanks won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the film, while the song "Streets of Philadelphia" won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. Ron Nyswaner was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, but lost to Jane Campion for The Piano.

Hanks takes on the role of Andrew Beckett, is a senior associate at the largest corporate law firm in Philadelphia. He got promoted on a higher position and was given one of the most important client of the company.

But what the associates doesn't know about Beckett, he was hiding the fact that he was a homosexual ( he was afraid to tell because of some jokes when they were hanging out in the sauna ) and has AIDS. It was first noticed when one of them saw a bruise/lesion on Beckett's forehead, in which the latter said that it was just hit by some racquetball.

Beckett stays home from work for several days to try to find a way to hide his lesions. While at home, he finishes the complaint for the case he has been assigned and then brings it to his office, leaving instructions for his assistants to file the complaint in court on the following day. Beckett suffers from bowel spasms at home and is rushed to the hospital.

Then comes Miguel Álvarez (played by Antonio Banderas) hurrying to the hospital and worrying on Beckett's health. Frankly, I was shocked to see Banderas taking on the role as the boyfriend of Tom Hanks here. I mean, he's Zorro, and this is new for me. I really admire him now more because on his performance here. Really great support.

Next come is Joe Miller (played by Denzel Washington) who at first initially declines to be the lawyer of Beckett but when he saw how other people discriminated Beckett on the library, he eventually agrees to be his representative. Now this is the second shock of the movie for me, well, after all, I really love him doing the role on Book of Eli, which is action and fast-paced.

It's new for me to see him being an attorney and stuff here. But he was really intelligent and was awesome in every way. Ten thumbs up for him!

As the movie goes on, the court battle between Beckett and the company, it was intense and was believable. I was happy that Beckett's family was full support on him on the case. Fight for his rights they said.

But as this movie concludes at the end, Beckett won the case victoriously thanks to the help of Miller.

But also, it deteriorated Beckett's health and can't go any further. He just waited for the verdict. If it will give justice or not. It did matter a lot for everyone who was involved in his life.

Now my tears are welling up again, trying to hold back... I've been moved again by Tom Hanks role on this side. I didn't want him to die, for I see more life into his life. He could help others on fighting against discrimination on AIDS or homosexuality. But as a saying goes, all good things comes to an end. But for me, ending is just only the beginning of something new.

Goodbye Andrew/Andy Beckett. Your memory remains with us forever. And let your story be heard by the next generations.


PS: Whew! That was dramatic huh? To lighten things up, I'm watching the other half of 'Big' later when I go to bed. Never felt happy since all the drama ones I've already watched. Thanks Tom Hanks! :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What do you call a thousand lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean? I don't know. A good start.

Sorry for the long title, but I think it was hilarious. Seriously. I fell off my bed laughing. Then later cried again.

Awfully late here, and semi-tired to post. I'm going to post my opinion/review for the movie, Philadelphia, tomorrow early morning.


PS: Just searched some quotes and this was funny:

On messing with Tom Hanks while the two were filming Philadephia
"I used to mess with Tom. He was barely eating at all, and I would put out, like, 200 Almond Joys in his drawer to give him a hard time. I'd pretend to sneeze and all these Snickers would fall on the ground. I'm sure he laughed all the way up to the podium when he won the Oscar."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

So what does the clutch do? It clutches.

Finally finished watching last night the movie, Road To Perdition, and as always, Tom Hanks is just a diverse actor.

This is the first time I saw him in a role as a person working as a hitman. I consider it fresh in my perspective cause almost all the time, he's the good guy. Well, a part of his role here, kinda torn between being the bad one.

I also applaud the performance of Daniel Craig aka Connor Rooney who was a disturbed person having the jealousy of the affection of his father on Michael Sullivan Sr. After all, he only just wants the same affection from Sullivan to be as equal to him.

Maguire (The Reporter) played by Jude Law was one creepy guy I might say. He gave some of the edge of the story and he's so sinister on tracking down Sullivan and his son out.

And as every movie like this somehow ends, someone/everyone dies in a certain scene. And I'll put here the most emotional one for me:

Michael Sullivan, Jr.: I couldn't do it.
Michael Sullivan: I know.

Michael Sullivan: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry. 

This scene just takes me away, I could really feel that all was Mike's father wanted for his son, was not to follow his footsteps. That he wanted a good future for him even though he was now going away.

Plus, I am deeply moved by the musical scores of Thomas Newman. Such brilliance that goes great with the flow of the movie. I just downloaded all the scores cause I just felt calm.

For all of you guys out there, I definitely recommend for you to watch. It's new to see Tom Hanks do such a role another way around and the story clings to our hearts of what our fathers could do just to protect us from anything.


PS: I'll watch later 'Philadelphia', saving up my tears again for I know this would be a heavy drama. For now I'll just be happy on the outcome of Road To Perdition.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On My Way On The Road To Perdition.

I finally got the movie, Road to Perdition, which stars Tom Hanks as Michael Sullivan, Sr., a top-notch hitman who works for John Rooney (played by Paul Newman). The plot takes place in 1931, during the Great Depression, following a mob enforcer and his son as they seek vengeance against a mobster who murdered the rest of their family.

The story steams up when Tyler Hoechlin as Michael Sullivan, Jr., Tom Hanks son in the movie, hides at the back of their car, and follows his father only to find out that he's a hitman working for Rooney.

I won't go any further since haven't fully finished yet the movie myself, but I'm sure it will go beneath my skin again and cry again later.

One thing's for sure about the movie, a father will always look after for his son/daughter, no matter what. It's his family that's always important.

And it's refreshing to see Tom Hanks on a darker side here but still that has charm to flip it over to another level.


PS. I'm going to get the movie 'Philadelphia' next! Excited! And might I say, Cloud Atlas has a release date of December in America? Oh bummer, and I thought it was already in October.

And to think of it, there's a release date for Gump & Company movie next year. Would it happen? I sure do want to see Tom Hanks take on again the role of Forrest Gump on a modern day era.

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Wished I Was Stuck On An Island...


Finally edited my post here.

Back again at posting, we had a getaway last weekend for my cousin's 18th birthday. And what's more perfect to do on a beach?

Stop for a while and ponder beside the seashore, and think like Tom Hanks in the movie, 'Cast Away'. The above short video was inspired by Mr. Hanks' short ones too. And since my I last watched Cast Away, I get my cellphone and just started 'filming' myself toward the sea.

Just look at it, who know what the tide could really bring? I just stopped and thought all of my past memories, crying inside on how things went out so far in my life. What have I done really with myself? I was still lost somewhere.

Like I want to scream my deceased brother's name out, scream as loud as I can, scream and just cry at the sand alone and just black out and wake up in the morning.

Anyway, I'll just continue breathing. For that is the only thing that I could do for now.


[Chuck talks to Wilson, the volleyball]
Chuck Noland: Hey, you want to hear something funny? My dentist's name is James Spalding.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Gotta Keep Breathing.


It's still raining. Stan and Chuck sit in Stan's den: a TV, a
couple of LaZyBoys, a bookcase with a few books, some FedEx
mementos, some pictures of Stan and his late wife Mary. They've
both put a good dent in a bottle of Jack Daniels. Chuck has a
towel draped over his wet shirt.

          We both did the math. Kelly added it all
          up and had to let me go. Me, I was never
          getting off that island. I was going to
          get sick, injured, I was going to die
          there. Totally alone. The only choice I
          had--the only thing I could still control 
          --was when and how I would die. 

It's all coming back to him, carrying the rope up to the summit.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          So I made a rope and went up to hang
          myself. But I had to test it first--you
          know me. The log broke the tree limb! I
          couldn't even kill myself the way I
          wanted to. I had power over NOTHING. And
          that's when this feeling came over me--
          like a warm blanket. And I knew, not up

He means, not in his brain.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          --but in some deep part of me--I just
          knew--I had to stay alive. Even if I had
          no reason to hope. Even if my logic told
          me I'd never see any of this again. 

"This" being the whole world he knew. 

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And that's what I did, just kept

He remembers the way he was when we saw him eating the fish, those
dead eyes.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          That's all I did. Just stayed alive. And
          you know what? The sun came up, and the
          sun went down, and all my logic was
          wrong. Because the tide brought me--a

He means, a miracle, and even low as he is he has to smile at the
form that sail took.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And now here I am, back in Memphis,
          sitting with you. And there's ice in my

His eyes are moist now. He and Stan share a long look.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And I've lost her all over again and it
          hurts. So damn much. You know. 

Stan does know. He's been there.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          But I'm'grateful, I am so grateful, she
          was with me on that island. And I know
          what I've got to do, no matter how bad it
          gets. I've got to keep breathing. Just
          keep breathing. 

There's a sense of hope here, a hard-won knowledge at the core of 

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          Because tomorrow--the sun is going to
          rise, and who knows what the tide could

I'd start my post for tonight with this scene form the movie, Cast Away. 
It had so much impact to me 
I literally couldn't recover.
Plus the end credits by Alan Silvestri, you just can't go wrong. 
Next thing I know, I was crying again.

There are such complex meanings within the movie, I'm really was into it.

And I'll share to you guys why.

I could relate into it, cause I know what it feels like to lose someone. 
I was like Grade 5 or 6 when one of my brothers got into an accident. 
We took care of him for some years, holding onto the hope that he'll be fine and okay.
But as life could get unexpected, he passed away. 
And I was one of the persons left devastated. I didn't see him die.
My dad just told us that he just gone away. 
Which made things worse, for all these years I've been bearing a weight that I didn't do much.
Like I didn't took care of him more, or much that I had told him how much I loved him.

I can't let my tears go now, I'll cry it later. 
But one things for sure, I feel like Chuck Noland, like he loses Kelly. 
It hurts so much that we can't do anything about it. It's just what it is.
Time is gold, we should be making the most of it, especially for those we cherish.

Wherever my brother is, Neildon, as Chuck says to Wilson, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. 

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you most of the time, I'm sorry if I wasn't a good brother, 
I'm so sorry for everything. 
It just hurts so much that you're not around.

For all I know, I just have to keep breathing. 
Because tomorrow, the sun is going to rise, who knows what the tide could bring?

I'm still holding onto what I could hold. I can't still let go. 
Because letting go is the hardest thing to do in life. 
When will I?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

87 Hours?! That's Way Too Delayed!

Hadn't finished Castaway last night. Excited now to continue watching.

Anyway, I just noticed it and I'm not sure if somebody did, but how in the hell Tom Hanks' nails didn't even grow for 4 freaking years? Haha... Seriously, he had a nail cutter or something?

Who cares? Mr. Hanks always does what he's really great at, making people sink into his roles nobody won't even think to notice.

Which I did actually, I'm just waiting for the drama to come in and consume my ego. Last minutes to go before I go to bed. Thanks Mr. Hanks! Your movies takes my stress away.

I quote his tweet:

"GOLD LEADER. Angus Macinnes. C not a G. My bad. i guess the Force was not with me. Get it? The FORCE? Hanx"

Yes, yes indeed. I get it. Haha. Nice one actually.

I'll look at those book suggestions. I actually know Ken Follett. :D

Random also, I think Tom Hanks would be awesome if he did a movie adaptation of the book, 'The Devil's Teardrop'.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Was Already A Castaway Fan When I Was A Kid

Alright! Let's do this! Later I'll watch again the movie, 'Castaway'. It's been so long before I got to watch it again.

I was maybe a kid way back then and all I could remember is that Tom Hanks managed to get out off the island for good. Only to come back with nothing anymore.

I'm getting ready the cry, this time to fully understand what was happening.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

You Rock Guys!

Special shout out first to @TomsDome for posting some of mine at Twitter. Thanks a bunch! Just want to say, "You rock." In a Mr. Hanks voice way. Haha.

Currently searching solutions on our daily assignments especially when it's about math. Stresses my day always, good thing I could watch my movies at the laptop.

The shot above is really cool, Tom Hanks sure does look serious though it's a funny scene. Maybe you could picture him saying, "If you know what I mean."

Just recently known that one of my friends has Asperger's, no biggie, I find him really awesome. :)

Signing out! Review again this week, can't wait for Cloud Atlas though.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Clouds Float By, Atlas Go By

Evening at the Philippines and morning/afternoon everywhere around the world! :)

What's up guys? I'm back again posting here and so happy since it's weekend again. Haha.

Anyway, I just want to say I'm really waiting for the release of the movie adaptation of the novel, Cloud Atlas, which is said to be released somewhere around October 2012.

That sounds great since it would be a great gift for me! After the huge exam and I do hope everything goes fine at that day.

According to my research, Tom Hanks would play the role, Dr. Henry Goose, which when I searched the summary of the novel, nowhere to be found.

Anyway, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant and Hugo Weaving with the cast? Amazing. Let's do this guys. Can't wait!

Oh and maybe everybody should read the book also since you might appreciate some events in the novel (I presume...).

I'll read it Mr. Mitchell! Promise! :D


Friday, May 18, 2012


Hi guys! Finally had the guts again to post here... Been really busy here at the house and reviewing... Thank God for the weekends! :D

I just want to re-watch again 'Castaway', all I can remember is when Tom Hanks leaves the island finally and the heart-breaking news that his wife marries another man thinking he was already dead.

Anyway, I'm hoping I could watch sometime again it and also, 'Road to Perdition'.

Also, Ms. Rita Wilson was also on American Idol this week and was giving tribute to the late, Donna Summer. My prayers go to her family as well.


PS. I would be tweeting Ms. Wilson on my bday next month, wish me luck for a RT! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Days Have Gone By.

Will be posting later if I can, promise guys! I need to motivate myself in studying, I can't keep this laziness up!

Sorry guys if in the last days there are no posts, I'm just really busy and tired when I get home from review.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 Days After Graduation

Hi guys! Sorry for the super late post! I'm just chilling right now and savoring every minute of vacation I have before I got to review again tomorrow (Sunday or Monday depending on timezone everywhere).

Had a blast last Friday ( May 11, 2012 ), happiest moment of my life! Finally graduated! Though I didn't know if my mom cried when I walked at the stage to get my diploma. But I don't if they were happy but oh well.

Anyway, I'll post anything again in my life and Mr. Hanks ( maybe also Rita Wilson ) occasionally now. Wish me luck guys on reviewing! :)


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Graduation Day.

Hi guys! This would be a quick one since I'm exhausted today. Graduation tomorrow, I'll post my experience on it the next day.

So happy, I just want to jump for joy like 10 million times!

Anyway, I'm happy also I got to see Mr. Hanks tweet online just a while ago and tweeted him back saying thank you.

If only he'll tweet back 'Congratulations' or something tomorrow at the day of my graduation. I'll skip a heartbeat if that happens. I wish it does when I come back home and see it.



Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day of Graduation Approaching.

Hi there! Back at posting since I'm too lazy to write on my notebook. Meh.

Anyway, all I want to say is, the day of our graduation is fast approaching. It will be happening this coming Friday and I'm still feeling jittery about it. I don't know what to feel. Happy? Sad? Excited? Maybe I'll know when that day comes.

So many persons to say thanks for sure. I'm just glad that I made this far in my college life.


I'll be definitely thank all the persons that had come into my life. It's a beginning of a new journey. Until then, I'll savor every moment with them as long as I can.


PS. Videos are still blocked so can't post my reviews. Bummer.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Deafening Silence. Original Copy. Jumbo Shrimp.

Good evening from my country! And morning/afternoon everywhere!

I've finally finished watching, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and as usual, I cried myself whe everybody is already sleeping at night.

This was one of the scenes that really got my attention since it was fun to watch them doing karate or taekwondo and saying oxymorons back at each other.

Anyway, I hate it when Tom Hanks dies. I hate it that he's so good at acting, that I'm losing myself in emotions and can't help but cry. With an extraordinary performance by Thomas Horn being a boy 'who tries to explain things', it just caught me off guard.

I could tell you guys that I know what it feels to lose someone. And I'm still figuring out on how to explain it to myself everyday. I'm still finding the lock on my key. Still won't stop finding it.

I'll cut this short off since I'm already getting teary-eyed again cause I really miss my brother who died way back then.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

8 Minutes With You.

Good evening or morning or afternoon to you all out there! :)

So I just want to say that my older brother is moody again today and has been cussing or cursing us with the internet connection. But we let it pass anyway, it's just him always.

Anyway, since I can't post videos again for my reviews on the musical scores in the movie, Forrest Gump. But I'll find a way to post those.

So happy today since I got my first re-tweet in twitter! Yay!

Now on the title, haven't watch the movie fully yet but I will later in a sec.

If you will ask me, honestly, I'll go back to the memories when my one brother was alive with us. I just miss him a lot. We miss him so badly. So I'll do anything just to extend my 8 minutes with him.

That's all I got to say about that.


PS. Thanks everyone for viewing/reading! Still waiting for Mr. Hanks or Ms. Wilson to tweet or re-tweet back. But you know, they're celebrities and they can't look onto those mails or whatever since I'm sure it's billions of it in any second of the day. Haha...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

24 Years of Marriage! Congratulations! :D

Aren't they a cute couple? :D

Anyway, happy anniversary to Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks! Reminds me of my parents having their anniversary also. May you be happy everyday with each other and God bless you both!

Hi guys! Back again in posting at my blog, been really on a go in fixing things still my requirements on my graduation. Almost 1 week to go before it happens, I'll post my grad pics since I'm that cool. B)

Thank you guys for viewing or reading my blog!


"If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."
I'll put this on my books so I keep inspired and motivated. Thanks for your movies, Mr. Hanks always.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

4th Score Review (Forrest Gump)

Hi I'm back again after hours I guess? xD

Anyway, my fourth review on the scores in Forrest Gump. I want to say also that I finally finished reading Gump & Company (book)! Sometime around I'll make my own script on it though I might search a little on some issues.

Now on to the review, this particular score comes a meaning to me. I mean, I know how it feels to not use something, like for instance, Forrest couldn't walk entirely since there something wrong with his legs.

But what really put a mark on it, is that one day when he's been chased by other children and being bullied again, a miracle happens. He walks first trying to get away from the bullies, then the bullies were gaining, and all of a sudden, the braces on Forrest's legs come off and he ran as fast as he could. As Forrest says, "Now other people tell that miracles don't happen. But they do."

For me, no matter happens, just believe in yourself and nothing is impossible.


PS. Mr. Hanks, if you're reading this or looking, hope to tell you that everyday your movies inspire me. It's what I need the most when I'm studying right now.

To all you guys whoever looks/reads here, thank you so much too! :)

And to my Shopgirl, I'm confused on what I'm feeling for you right now, and I don't know if we will work out, but anyway, I hope you're always fine and happy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Think I'm Joe Fox (You've Got Mail)

Hi guys! So it randomly showed up in my mind and I was wondering, I think I'm Joe Fox from the movie You've Got Mail.

IBM ThinkPad 300

This was Tom Hanks (NY152) was using to mail back Kathleen Kelly (Shopgirl).

Anyway, what I want to talk about is, I'm really becoming Tom Hanks character, literally. Well, it kinda started on another sited with players on it and I met this girl there. We had a really great conversation and I requested to be friends with her and she accepted.

Eventually, we were talking anything above the sun, then I kinda friend requested her at Facebook. And recently, I've been studying again for a huge exam and she always keeps me inspired or whatever you call it you want.

I'll be honest with you that we've only just seen each other through pictures. And she's somewhere across the world (I think from the USA?). And I'm confused on what I'm feeling entirely right now.

Is it possible for two persons which has different nationality and different country work out? To have a long distance relationship? Wow, did I say relationship? I haven't even had a girlfriend before way back in high school.

Anyway, right now, I'm just waiting for her post or message or mail.


PS. Can't see my post where I misspelled something... It's supposed to be Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Haven't seen it yet but I'll definitely get it at the weekend. :)

3rd Score Song Review (Forrest Gump)

Good evening everyone! Or good afternoon or morning wherever you might be dear reader! :)

Now I'm up to the 3rd score on the movie, Forrest Gump, thankfully. But since my parents are driving me nuts on studying, I'll be sneaking always at front of the computer screen just to post here.

Are you stupid or something?               

Mama says,

"Stupid is as stupid does."               

- I'm Jenny.

- I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.

Anyway, the score plays in the scene where Forrest when he was little, rides the school bus for the first time and it seems that the other children doesn't want to be beside him or doesn't want him. Poor Forrest trying to fit with the others but at the turn of events, a young fine girl offers him a seat. This is the first time that Forrest meets his love of his entire life, Jenny Curran. She was one of the persons who accepted Forrest as he was and never looked at him like someone being abnormal or practically speaking, an "idiot".

I highly suggest that you watch the scene carefully since it gives a slight cheesy-ness on first love and acceptance of other people or innocence they say.

I'll give this score 7/10! :)

I say, I'm watching again You've Got Mail tonight since I've skipped some parts and didn't get to feel all the emotions at the instant. I'm thinking of getting Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close movie and watch it in the weekend.

Lastly, cool videos Mr. Hanks! Just want to let you know that you inspire other people by your movies and I'm one of them.

I won't stop believing on my dreams and I'll ride the wind wherever it takes me.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm not scared, I care for you...

"I will go home."

Viktor Navorski was blackmailed by Customs and Border Protection Head Frank Dixon that if he doesn't board the plane back to Krakozhia, he will be deporting his friend, Kumar Pallana (played by Rajan Gupta), back to India and be arrested for stabbing a man.

This is a sign of how someones really cares for a friend.


PS. I'll be updating this post tomorrow when I go home after review... Goodnight and morning guys! :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

I Want To Live At The Terminal! Maybe I guess... :)

Hi guys! Morning for us and night I guess to all of you out there!

So I finished watching The Terminal last night and it was awesome! I mean really?! Mr. Hanks was like he was from somewhere place! The accent was superb!

Sorry if I praise too much but that's just me, can't help it... xD

Oh and sorry if I just posted right now since I'm still fighting my thoughts on finding my Algebra book somewhere at the garage... Lazy me. Haha...

Had to put this here! Just love their chemistry works a charm! Though not happy on why it didn't work out for them both in the movie... Whoops! Might spill the bean!

Anyway, must find that Algebra book of mine later... Still lazy right now. Thanks again Mr. Hanks for the movie! :)


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Watching The Terminal Tonight! Awwwwww yeaaaahhh!

Going to eat some ice cream then going to watch The Terminal finally tonight! :D


Going Busy Mode

So hi there again guys! I'll be going to busy mode since my review will be starting soon enough. But I'll try to sneak and post here at my blog when my parents are not around. Haha...

Since I joined twitter, I have already 64 tweets already and I'm still as excited and anxiously waiting for Mr. Hanks to tweet back in all of us. Well seriously, I'll skip a heartbeat when that happens.

He said he's been busy so I'll just wait... In the meantime, I saw the release date of Cloud Atlas is somewhere October 2012 and that would be really great since when my board exam finishes, it will be a great gift for me after all the reviewing stuffs! Anyway, Mr. Hanks, from now on, I'll be watching your movies everytime...


PS. Gotta keep my reviews on hose scores on Forrest Gump! I can do this! :D

You're No Different Score Review

At last back again in reviewing scores at the movie, Forrest Gump! Feeling splendid right now since I had a nice nap and my brain seems up to go and post a little.

I love this score from the scene where Sally Field tells young Forrest that he's no different from the others. We shouldn't be making others feel different around us, I know how that feels cause I've been there. Being not noticed by someone or being pushed around or worst being bullied way back then.


We are all created the same by God and we should be thankful about it.


PS. Things are going well and I need to mindset my brain to study for my board exam but it seems I still don't want to study and just watch first all of Mr. Hanks movies. That's where I get my inspiration from. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

After watching Saving Private Ryan last night

Finally finished watching it last night, and as usual, I cried my sorry ass off again. I don't know what to say and I'm definitely disturbed on what was happening way back then on WWII.

I've seen on other blogs that in order to love or like a movie is to see the flaws. But what can I really say bad about it? I mean the story speaks it all, men died at that time and they were all just wishing to come back home and be with their families.

Anyway, I might start crying again whenever I remember some of the scenes of Tom Hanks on his movies. But I say bravo and he left me again vulnerable and thinking about 'what we really deserve' in our lives.


PS. Still not finished yet on the 3rd part of The Green Mile but I'll be doing it again when I feel slightly happy on my mood again. Plus I will be reading the book, Cloud Atlas, since it will be the next movie of Mr. Hanks this year.

Friday, April 20, 2012

We're Gonna Walk Our Green Mile Someday - PART 2

Apologies for you guys out there! I've been busy with my requirements at school since I'm getting ready on my graduation in May (well, I'm really assuming I will and whatnot). Awful tired tonight since I got all my things at another house and will not be staying there any longer.

Anyway, to start my post, I'm beginning with a cute, little mouse above. This is still from the movie, The Green Mile, which made an impact to me.

What's the name of that mouse? Well say hello to Mr. Jingles! Quite a name I say! Mr. Jingles appears at a scene where Brutus sees him scurrying around and maybe searching for food and isn't afraid of them standing around. This fella has a role of his own in the movie and might as well not spoil it for all of you guys.

Next is Brutus "Brutal" Howell (played by David Morse), which is a good friend of Paul Edgecomb(I think if I'm not mistaken) and has some funny moments with Paul regarding on Percy's behavior and sometimes sticky situations with him.

Next is Dean Stanton (played by Barry Pepper) which is the only one young guard in the E Block. I say he had a strong scene where he was crying and was trying to hold back his tears on John Coffey's execution. Great job really there and I commend him for that.


Next one is "Wild Bill" Wharton (played by Sam Rockwell) which is the root of all evil and was the sole suspect. Some things I can say about him is his evil, crazy, delusional and one-sick character. But his really good and he gets on my nerves.

I'll make a last part on this post of mine since I'm really tired from the school works and my arms are aching. Anyway till then... Morning for others and night for me! :)


PS. I'm thinking on how on earth there are many views in Russia but anyways, thanks again guys if you're viewing always my blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cool pic right here! :D

Frank Darabont, Stephen King, and Tom Hanks on the set of The Green Mile!

This is so awesome! For the win! 


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We're Gonna Walk Our Green Mile Someday

As usual, I've been watching Tom Hanks' movies every night and just watched the movie, The Green Mile. Man, I can't stop myself crying at this movies. The drama on the last part always gets me.

Tom Hanks plays as Paul Edgecomb, in which he works in a cell block called the "Green Mile" by the guards because the condemned prisoners walking to their execution are said to be walking "the last mile" to the electric chair (Old Sparky they call). It is said 'The Green Mile' like that because of faded lime-green linoleum.

For some reasons, he has the worst urinary tract infection of his life and also when John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan) which was accused of raping and killing two girls. When it turns, he displays as a gentle giant for the men at the cell block.


Percy Wetmore (played by Doug Hutchison) who is a sadistic and unpopular guard and makes a living hell out of the prisoners. At one scene, Percy then deliberately sabotages the execution of Eduard "Del" Delacroix's (played by Michael Jeter). Instead of wetting the sponge, used to conduct electricity and make executions quick and effective, he leaves it dry, causing inmate execution to malfunction badly.

The story revolves a lot between the characters but I'll also show them to you guys since the supporting cast is also awesome and  Hanks did a really great job on not overpowering them.

To be continued...


PS. I'm still going to post my opinions on the scores in Forrest Gump. New found love at the scores in The Green Mile.