Wednesday, May 2, 2012

8 Minutes With You.

Good evening or morning or afternoon to you all out there! :)

So I just want to say that my older brother is moody again today and has been cussing or cursing us with the internet connection. But we let it pass anyway, it's just him always.

Anyway, since I can't post videos again for my reviews on the musical scores in the movie, Forrest Gump. But I'll find a way to post those.

So happy today since I got my first re-tweet in twitter! Yay!

Now on the title, haven't watch the movie fully yet but I will later in a sec.

If you will ask me, honestly, I'll go back to the memories when my one brother was alive with us. I just miss him a lot. We miss him so badly. So I'll do anything just to extend my 8 minutes with him.

That's all I got to say about that.


PS. Thanks everyone for viewing/reading! Still waiting for Mr. Hanks or Ms. Wilson to tweet or re-tweet back. But you know, they're celebrities and they can't look onto those mails or whatever since I'm sure it's billions of it in any second of the day. Haha...

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