Thursday, May 3, 2012

Deafening Silence. Original Copy. Jumbo Shrimp.

Good evening from my country! And morning/afternoon everywhere!

I've finally finished watching, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and as usual, I cried myself whe everybody is already sleeping at night.

This was one of the scenes that really got my attention since it was fun to watch them doing karate or taekwondo and saying oxymorons back at each other.

Anyway, I hate it when Tom Hanks dies. I hate it that he's so good at acting, that I'm losing myself in emotions and can't help but cry. With an extraordinary performance by Thomas Horn being a boy 'who tries to explain things', it just caught me off guard.

I could tell you guys that I know what it feels to lose someone. And I'm still figuring out on how to explain it to myself everyday. I'm still finding the lock on my key. Still won't stop finding it.

I'll cut this short off since I'm already getting teary-eyed again cause I really miss my brother who died way back then.


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