Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Gotta Keep Breathing.


It's still raining. Stan and Chuck sit in Stan's den: a TV, a
couple of LaZyBoys, a bookcase with a few books, some FedEx
mementos, some pictures of Stan and his late wife Mary. They've
both put a good dent in a bottle of Jack Daniels. Chuck has a
towel draped over his wet shirt.

          We both did the math. Kelly added it all
          up and had to let me go. Me, I was never
          getting off that island. I was going to
          get sick, injured, I was going to die
          there. Totally alone. The only choice I
          had--the only thing I could still control 
          --was when and how I would die. 

It's all coming back to him, carrying the rope up to the summit.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          So I made a rope and went up to hang
          myself. But I had to test it first--you
          know me. The log broke the tree limb! I
          couldn't even kill myself the way I
          wanted to. I had power over NOTHING. And
          that's when this feeling came over me--
          like a warm blanket. And I knew, not up

He means, not in his brain.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          --but in some deep part of me--I just
          knew--I had to stay alive. Even if I had
          no reason to hope. Even if my logic told
          me I'd never see any of this again. 

"This" being the whole world he knew. 

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And that's what I did, just kept

He remembers the way he was when we saw him eating the fish, those
dead eyes.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          That's all I did. Just stayed alive. And
          you know what? The sun came up, and the
          sun went down, and all my logic was
          wrong. Because the tide brought me--a

He means, a miracle, and even low as he is he has to smile at the
form that sail took.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And now here I am, back in Memphis,
          sitting with you. And there's ice in my

His eyes are moist now. He and Stan share a long look.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And I've lost her all over again and it
          hurts. So damn much. You know. 

Stan does know. He's been there.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          But I'm'grateful, I am so grateful, she
          was with me on that island. And I know
          what I've got to do, no matter how bad it
          gets. I've got to keep breathing. Just
          keep breathing. 

There's a sense of hope here, a hard-won knowledge at the core of 

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          Because tomorrow--the sun is going to
          rise, and who knows what the tide could

I'd start my post for tonight with this scene form the movie, Cast Away. 
It had so much impact to me 
I literally couldn't recover.
Plus the end credits by Alan Silvestri, you just can't go wrong. 
Next thing I know, I was crying again.

There are such complex meanings within the movie, I'm really was into it.

And I'll share to you guys why.

I could relate into it, cause I know what it feels like to lose someone. 
I was like Grade 5 or 6 when one of my brothers got into an accident. 
We took care of him for some years, holding onto the hope that he'll be fine and okay.
But as life could get unexpected, he passed away. 
And I was one of the persons left devastated. I didn't see him die.
My dad just told us that he just gone away. 
Which made things worse, for all these years I've been bearing a weight that I didn't do much.
Like I didn't took care of him more, or much that I had told him how much I loved him.

I can't let my tears go now, I'll cry it later. 
But one things for sure, I feel like Chuck Noland, like he loses Kelly. 
It hurts so much that we can't do anything about it. It's just what it is.
Time is gold, we should be making the most of it, especially for those we cherish.

Wherever my brother is, Neildon, as Chuck says to Wilson, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. 

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you most of the time, I'm sorry if I wasn't a good brother, 
I'm so sorry for everything. 
It just hurts so much that you're not around.

For all I know, I just have to keep breathing. 
Because tomorrow, the sun is going to rise, who knows what the tide could bring?

I'm still holding onto what I could hold. I can't still let go. 
Because letting go is the hardest thing to do in life. 
When will I?

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