Saturday, June 2, 2012

So what does the clutch do? It clutches.

Finally finished watching last night the movie, Road To Perdition, and as always, Tom Hanks is just a diverse actor.

This is the first time I saw him in a role as a person working as a hitman. I consider it fresh in my perspective cause almost all the time, he's the good guy. Well, a part of his role here, kinda torn between being the bad one.

I also applaud the performance of Daniel Craig aka Connor Rooney who was a disturbed person having the jealousy of the affection of his father on Michael Sullivan Sr. After all, he only just wants the same affection from Sullivan to be as equal to him.

Maguire (The Reporter) played by Jude Law was one creepy guy I might say. He gave some of the edge of the story and he's so sinister on tracking down Sullivan and his son out.

And as every movie like this somehow ends, someone/everyone dies in a certain scene. And I'll put here the most emotional one for me:

Michael Sullivan, Jr.: I couldn't do it.
Michael Sullivan: I know.

Michael Sullivan: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry. 

This scene just takes me away, I could really feel that all was Mike's father wanted for his son, was not to follow his footsteps. That he wanted a good future for him even though he was now going away.

Plus, I am deeply moved by the musical scores of Thomas Newman. Such brilliance that goes great with the flow of the movie. I just downloaded all the scores cause I just felt calm.

For all of you guys out there, I definitely recommend for you to watch. It's new to see Tom Hanks do such a role another way around and the story clings to our hearts of what our fathers could do just to protect us from anything.


PS: I'll watch later 'Philadelphia', saving up my tears again for I know this would be a heavy drama. For now I'll just be happy on the outcome of Road To Perdition.

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