Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Wish I Were Big.

So it's long overdue (I know) but its definitely worth it. Here I go on my review on the movie 'Big' starring Tom Hanks on it. And I'll start with one of my favorite scenes:

The space goes...
Down down baby, down down the roller coaster.
Sweet sweet baby, sweet sweet don't let me go.
Shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock,
Shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock

I met a girlfriend- a triscuit,
She said a triscuit-a biscuit,
Ice cream soda pop
Vanilla on the top.

Oooo Shalida, walking down the street,
Ten times a week
I meant it. I said it.
I stole my mama's credit.
I'm cool. I'm hot.
Sock you in the stomach three more times.

I just laughed out my chair just seeing Tom Hanks do this. I don't know, it was funny and odd at the same time since a grown man does it. And trying to convince a kid that he just got 'humongous' because of a wish on a machine.


And one of the most prominent scene in the movie is where MacMillan (played by Robert Loggia), boss of the company 'MacMillan Toy Company'.  The two end up playing duets together on a foot-operated electronic keyboard, performing "Heart and Soul" and "Chopsticks".

I personally think that was a hard scene, to see that they needed both to be in sync. And I think it was awesome cause it took Hanks character somewhere that could make things interesting.

Susan: I'm not so sure we should do this.
Josh: Do what?
Susan: Well, I like you, and I want to spend the night with you.
Josh: Do you mean sleep over?
Susan: Well, yeah.
Josh: OK... but I get to be on top. 

One of the best scenes also on the movie, I just couldn't help but laughed on how innocent was Tom Hanks here. You could just see it in his face. (Is it me or did I just see the possibility of him being Forrest Gump here?)

 Overall, I love the movie because the reason is it's fresh for me since every other movie of Tom Hanks seems to be drama or something. Well kinda, this movie has one on the last part but won't spoil it though. It's a feel good movie and I highly suggest it that you/friends/ relatives and even kids watch it! After all, we were a kid once and wished we were 'Big' already.


PS: Just watched 'The Burbs' and 'Sleepless in Seattle' so watch out for my reviews on both movies. :) Thanks Tom Hanks!

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