Saturday, May 19, 2012

Clouds Float By, Atlas Go By

Evening at the Philippines and morning/afternoon everywhere around the world! :)

What's up guys? I'm back again posting here and so happy since it's weekend again. Haha.

Anyway, I just want to say I'm really waiting for the release of the movie adaptation of the novel, Cloud Atlas, which is said to be released somewhere around October 2012.

That sounds great since it would be a great gift for me! After the huge exam and I do hope everything goes fine at that day.

According to my research, Tom Hanks would play the role, Dr. Henry Goose, which when I searched the summary of the novel, nowhere to be found.

Anyway, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant and Hugo Weaving with the cast? Amazing. Let's do this guys. Can't wait!

Oh and maybe everybody should read the book also since you might appreciate some events in the novel (I presume...).

I'll read it Mr. Mitchell! Promise! :D


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