Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On My Way On The Road To Perdition.

I finally got the movie, Road to Perdition, which stars Tom Hanks as Michael Sullivan, Sr., a top-notch hitman who works for John Rooney (played by Paul Newman). The plot takes place in 1931, during the Great Depression, following a mob enforcer and his son as they seek vengeance against a mobster who murdered the rest of their family.

The story steams up when Tyler Hoechlin as Michael Sullivan, Jr., Tom Hanks son in the movie, hides at the back of their car, and follows his father only to find out that he's a hitman working for Rooney.

I won't go any further since haven't fully finished yet the movie myself, but I'm sure it will go beneath my skin again and cry again later.

One thing's for sure about the movie, a father will always look after for his son/daughter, no matter what. It's his family that's always important.

And it's refreshing to see Tom Hanks on a darker side here but still that has charm to flip it over to another level.


PS. I'm going to get the movie 'Philadelphia' next! Excited! And might I say, Cloud Atlas has a release date of December in America? Oh bummer, and I thought it was already in October.

And to think of it, there's a release date for Gump & Company movie next year. Would it happen? I sure do want to see Tom Hanks take on again the role of Forrest Gump on a modern day era.

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Wished I Was Stuck On An Island...


Finally edited my post here.

Back again at posting, we had a getaway last weekend for my cousin's 18th birthday. And what's more perfect to do on a beach?

Stop for a while and ponder beside the seashore, and think like Tom Hanks in the movie, 'Cast Away'. The above short video was inspired by Mr. Hanks' short ones too. And since my I last watched Cast Away, I get my cellphone and just started 'filming' myself toward the sea.

Just look at it, who know what the tide could really bring? I just stopped and thought all of my past memories, crying inside on how things went out so far in my life. What have I done really with myself? I was still lost somewhere.

Like I want to scream my deceased brother's name out, scream as loud as I can, scream and just cry at the sand alone and just black out and wake up in the morning.

Anyway, I'll just continue breathing. For that is the only thing that I could do for now.


[Chuck talks to Wilson, the volleyball]
Chuck Noland: Hey, you want to hear something funny? My dentist's name is James Spalding.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Gotta Keep Breathing.


It's still raining. Stan and Chuck sit in Stan's den: a TV, a
couple of LaZyBoys, a bookcase with a few books, some FedEx
mementos, some pictures of Stan and his late wife Mary. They've
both put a good dent in a bottle of Jack Daniels. Chuck has a
towel draped over his wet shirt.

          We both did the math. Kelly added it all
          up and had to let me go. Me, I was never
          getting off that island. I was going to
          get sick, injured, I was going to die
          there. Totally alone. The only choice I
          had--the only thing I could still control 
          --was when and how I would die. 

It's all coming back to him, carrying the rope up to the summit.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          So I made a rope and went up to hang
          myself. But I had to test it first--you
          know me. The log broke the tree limb! I
          couldn't even kill myself the way I
          wanted to. I had power over NOTHING. And
          that's when this feeling came over me--
          like a warm blanket. And I knew, not up

He means, not in his brain.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          --but in some deep part of me--I just
          knew--I had to stay alive. Even if I had
          no reason to hope. Even if my logic told
          me I'd never see any of this again. 

"This" being the whole world he knew. 

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And that's what I did, just kept

He remembers the way he was when we saw him eating the fish, those
dead eyes.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          That's all I did. Just stayed alive. And
          you know what? The sun came up, and the
          sun went down, and all my logic was
          wrong. Because the tide brought me--a

He means, a miracle, and even low as he is he has to smile at the
form that sail took.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And now here I am, back in Memphis,
          sitting with you. And there's ice in my

His eyes are moist now. He and Stan share a long look.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And I've lost her all over again and it
          hurts. So damn much. You know. 

Stan does know. He's been there.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          But I'm'grateful, I am so grateful, she
          was with me on that island. And I know
          what I've got to do, no matter how bad it
          gets. I've got to keep breathing. Just
          keep breathing. 

There's a sense of hope here, a hard-won knowledge at the core of 

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          Because tomorrow--the sun is going to
          rise, and who knows what the tide could

I'd start my post for tonight with this scene form the movie, Cast Away. 
It had so much impact to me 
I literally couldn't recover.
Plus the end credits by Alan Silvestri, you just can't go wrong. 
Next thing I know, I was crying again.

There are such complex meanings within the movie, I'm really was into it.

And I'll share to you guys why.

I could relate into it, cause I know what it feels like to lose someone. 
I was like Grade 5 or 6 when one of my brothers got into an accident. 
We took care of him for some years, holding onto the hope that he'll be fine and okay.
But as life could get unexpected, he passed away. 
And I was one of the persons left devastated. I didn't see him die.
My dad just told us that he just gone away. 
Which made things worse, for all these years I've been bearing a weight that I didn't do much.
Like I didn't took care of him more, or much that I had told him how much I loved him.

I can't let my tears go now, I'll cry it later. 
But one things for sure, I feel like Chuck Noland, like he loses Kelly. 
It hurts so much that we can't do anything about it. It's just what it is.
Time is gold, we should be making the most of it, especially for those we cherish.

Wherever my brother is, Neildon, as Chuck says to Wilson, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. 

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you most of the time, I'm sorry if I wasn't a good brother, 
I'm so sorry for everything. 
It just hurts so much that you're not around.

For all I know, I just have to keep breathing. 
Because tomorrow, the sun is going to rise, who knows what the tide could bring?

I'm still holding onto what I could hold. I can't still let go. 
Because letting go is the hardest thing to do in life. 
When will I?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

87 Hours?! That's Way Too Delayed!

Hadn't finished Castaway last night. Excited now to continue watching.

Anyway, I just noticed it and I'm not sure if somebody did, but how in the hell Tom Hanks' nails didn't even grow for 4 freaking years? Haha... Seriously, he had a nail cutter or something?

Who cares? Mr. Hanks always does what he's really great at, making people sink into his roles nobody won't even think to notice.

Which I did actually, I'm just waiting for the drama to come in and consume my ego. Last minutes to go before I go to bed. Thanks Mr. Hanks! Your movies takes my stress away.

I quote his tweet:

"GOLD LEADER. Angus Macinnes. C not a G. My bad. i guess the Force was not with me. Get it? The FORCE? Hanx"

Yes, yes indeed. I get it. Haha. Nice one actually.

I'll look at those book suggestions. I actually know Ken Follett. :D

Random also, I think Tom Hanks would be awesome if he did a movie adaptation of the book, 'The Devil's Teardrop'.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Was Already A Castaway Fan When I Was A Kid

Alright! Let's do this! Later I'll watch again the movie, 'Castaway'. It's been so long before I got to watch it again.

I was maybe a kid way back then and all I could remember is that Tom Hanks managed to get out off the island for good. Only to come back with nothing anymore.

I'm getting ready the cry, this time to fully understand what was happening.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

You Rock Guys!

Special shout out first to @TomsDome for posting some of mine at Twitter. Thanks a bunch! Just want to say, "You rock." In a Mr. Hanks voice way. Haha.

Currently searching solutions on our daily assignments especially when it's about math. Stresses my day always, good thing I could watch my movies at the laptop.

The shot above is really cool, Tom Hanks sure does look serious though it's a funny scene. Maybe you could picture him saying, "If you know what I mean."

Just recently known that one of my friends has Asperger's, no biggie, I find him really awesome. :)

Signing out! Review again this week, can't wait for Cloud Atlas though.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Clouds Float By, Atlas Go By

Evening at the Philippines and morning/afternoon everywhere around the world! :)

What's up guys? I'm back again posting here and so happy since it's weekend again. Haha.

Anyway, I just want to say I'm really waiting for the release of the movie adaptation of the novel, Cloud Atlas, which is said to be released somewhere around October 2012.

That sounds great since it would be a great gift for me! After the huge exam and I do hope everything goes fine at that day.

According to my research, Tom Hanks would play the role, Dr. Henry Goose, which when I searched the summary of the novel, nowhere to be found.

Anyway, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant and Hugo Weaving with the cast? Amazing. Let's do this guys. Can't wait!

Oh and maybe everybody should read the book also since you might appreciate some events in the novel (I presume...).

I'll read it Mr. Mitchell! Promise! :D


Friday, May 18, 2012


Hi guys! Finally had the guts again to post here... Been really busy here at the house and reviewing... Thank God for the weekends! :D

I just want to re-watch again 'Castaway', all I can remember is when Tom Hanks leaves the island finally and the heart-breaking news that his wife marries another man thinking he was already dead.

Anyway, I'm hoping I could watch sometime again it and also, 'Road to Perdition'.

Also, Ms. Rita Wilson was also on American Idol this week and was giving tribute to the late, Donna Summer. My prayers go to her family as well.


PS. I would be tweeting Ms. Wilson on my bday next month, wish me luck for a RT! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Days Have Gone By.

Will be posting later if I can, promise guys! I need to motivate myself in studying, I can't keep this laziness up!

Sorry guys if in the last days there are no posts, I'm just really busy and tired when I get home from review.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 Days After Graduation

Hi guys! Sorry for the super late post! I'm just chilling right now and savoring every minute of vacation I have before I got to review again tomorrow (Sunday or Monday depending on timezone everywhere).

Had a blast last Friday ( May 11, 2012 ), happiest moment of my life! Finally graduated! Though I didn't know if my mom cried when I walked at the stage to get my diploma. But I don't if they were happy but oh well.

Anyway, I'll post anything again in my life and Mr. Hanks ( maybe also Rita Wilson ) occasionally now. Wish me luck guys on reviewing! :)


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Graduation Day.

Hi guys! This would be a quick one since I'm exhausted today. Graduation tomorrow, I'll post my experience on it the next day.

So happy, I just want to jump for joy like 10 million times!

Anyway, I'm happy also I got to see Mr. Hanks tweet online just a while ago and tweeted him back saying thank you.

If only he'll tweet back 'Congratulations' or something tomorrow at the day of my graduation. I'll skip a heartbeat if that happens. I wish it does when I come back home and see it.



Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day of Graduation Approaching.

Hi there! Back at posting since I'm too lazy to write on my notebook. Meh.

Anyway, all I want to say is, the day of our graduation is fast approaching. It will be happening this coming Friday and I'm still feeling jittery about it. I don't know what to feel. Happy? Sad? Excited? Maybe I'll know when that day comes.

So many persons to say thanks for sure. I'm just glad that I made this far in my college life.


I'll be definitely thank all the persons that had come into my life. It's a beginning of a new journey. Until then, I'll savor every moment with them as long as I can.


PS. Videos are still blocked so can't post my reviews. Bummer.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Deafening Silence. Original Copy. Jumbo Shrimp.

Good evening from my country! And morning/afternoon everywhere!

I've finally finished watching, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and as usual, I cried myself whe everybody is already sleeping at night.

This was one of the scenes that really got my attention since it was fun to watch them doing karate or taekwondo and saying oxymorons back at each other.

Anyway, I hate it when Tom Hanks dies. I hate it that he's so good at acting, that I'm losing myself in emotions and can't help but cry. With an extraordinary performance by Thomas Horn being a boy 'who tries to explain things', it just caught me off guard.

I could tell you guys that I know what it feels to lose someone. And I'm still figuring out on how to explain it to myself everyday. I'm still finding the lock on my key. Still won't stop finding it.

I'll cut this short off since I'm already getting teary-eyed again cause I really miss my brother who died way back then.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

8 Minutes With You.

Good evening or morning or afternoon to you all out there! :)

So I just want to say that my older brother is moody again today and has been cussing or cursing us with the internet connection. But we let it pass anyway, it's just him always.

Anyway, since I can't post videos again for my reviews on the musical scores in the movie, Forrest Gump. But I'll find a way to post those.

So happy today since I got my first re-tweet in twitter! Yay!

Now on the title, haven't watch the movie fully yet but I will later in a sec.

If you will ask me, honestly, I'll go back to the memories when my one brother was alive with us. I just miss him a lot. We miss him so badly. So I'll do anything just to extend my 8 minutes with him.

That's all I got to say about that.


PS. Thanks everyone for viewing/reading! Still waiting for Mr. Hanks or Ms. Wilson to tweet or re-tweet back. But you know, they're celebrities and they can't look onto those mails or whatever since I'm sure it's billions of it in any second of the day. Haha...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

24 Years of Marriage! Congratulations! :D

Aren't they a cute couple? :D

Anyway, happy anniversary to Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks! Reminds me of my parents having their anniversary also. May you be happy everyday with each other and God bless you both!

Hi guys! Back again in posting at my blog, been really on a go in fixing things still my requirements on my graduation. Almost 1 week to go before it happens, I'll post my grad pics since I'm that cool. B)

Thank you guys for viewing or reading my blog!


"If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."
I'll put this on my books so I keep inspired and motivated. Thanks for your movies, Mr. Hanks always.