Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I'm not sorry I cried

When I'm sad or feel like the world is mad back at me, I always listen to this song by Alan Silvestri. I never felt vulnerable in a song before. I just let my tears to well up while listening. Maybe because I can relate my life to Forrest Gump. Cause I know how to feel to lose someone you loved. After crying every time I listen, I felt better though memories still flash back at me and make me cry again.
"Mama said, that dying was a part of life... I wish it wasn't..."
 This was one of the dialogues that Tom Hanks said with such conviction and emotion... I cried. That's how exactly I feel when my grandmother and older brother died. I wish I had the time to tell them how much I love them. And I was also too holding my tears to break for I felt a pang in my heart.

Jenny: Forrest, remember the time when we prayed and I asked God to make me a bird?
*pauses for a while*
Forrest: Yes, I do.
Jenny: You think I could fly off this bridge?
*Forrest looking down at Jenny's feet*
Forrest: What do you mean, Jenny?

I felt what Jenny feels sometime. I just want to jump off a bridge and just let God or whatever take me away from here. I feel so much grief that no one thinks even care. That only friends do care about me. Or myself.

But anyways, I hope someone out there feels the same like me. If you feel like crying out, don't be sorry about it. For if you don't feel sad/grief/sorrow, then you won't feel true happiness.

~ Derrick

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