Thursday, August 30, 2012

Come On And Whip Up A Splash!

Hi there guys! Been busy studying but then again, my mind gets exhausted also I just got the 1984 movie, Splash.

Yup, I don't mind if it's really old, I just want to watch and feel the story. And I didn't get disappointed! It was great!

They're just a cute couple in here! xD

Tom Hanks plays the role as Allen Bauer in which when he was young and had a trip on Cape Cod, he met a young mermaid on the sea but momentarily had semi-forgotten when he had grown up. On the other hand, Daryl Hannah, plays the role as a mermaid who is in love with Allen (which later she was called Madison).

Things would get complicated with them when Madison doesn't tell her biggest secret yet plus Dr. Walter Kornbluth (played by Eugene Levy) has seen her and wants to prove to everybody that he's not crazy.

It's a fantasy-romantic-comedy film that will sure get to your funny bones! Though the ending left me wanting for more on what happened between the two. But at the end, it's really great. :)

So if you have spare time, I definitely suggest you watch this guys.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Just Excited For The Exam In October.

Hi again. :)

It's been days or weeks now, and I'm glad that my review is going out so well. It's been crazy lately since what Mr. Hanks movies has taught I've been forgetting lately but it's not that much.

I miss watching. There's this segment on the radio one day that asks if anyone out there could recite the whole movie with no hints or clues. I may have called and said Forrest Gump.

I'll be going back after the exam and I'll wait for the showing of Cloud Atlas here which could be probably on December or early 2013.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

And We Finally Grown. Time Has Change.

Hey it's been long since I've posted. Hi there guys. :)

So my little brother is going away for his job and I'm left alone here. It's sad that we finally had grown up and have to find jobs to help our family.

This sucks but it's for the meantime for sure. It's been too long that I've been with him and I'm not sure what I'm afraid of.

Am I afraid of him going away without me or afraid of him going into something wrong and I'll regret it forever?


Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm Drowning On Sadness Again.

People around me start to push me down further again, and I can't help but drown on sadness again.

Might just vent out here. And try to watch some tearjerky T.Hanks movies later cause I need to let this out.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Tired Of Studying. Must. Not Fail.

I keep on failing sometimes and get bashed by my dad almost the time.

It's really great for me to vent out here since I don't think anyone reads my blog. Or someone.

October is near and I'm finally beginning to sink in that I could pass this. I'm always thinking the things that thought to me by the movies. :)


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thank You So Much. For Everything.

Hi there guys, I just want to say to whomever out there, thank you so much for reading or browsing my blog.

I'll be having a big exam on October and it has been a roller coaster in my life since I started becoming Mr. Tom Hanks fan.

Thank you! I'm going to do my best!
